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Eliminate friction in small business lending

Born and incubated inside a fintech lender, JUDI.AI enables community-based financial institutions to provide a fintech-like experience for small business loans.

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Trusted by 35+ forward-thinking community lenders and counting…

Why we exist

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Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, but 40-50% of small businesses rank access to capital as their top challenge. At JUDI, we’re transforming small business dreams into vibrant communities by increasing access to capital.

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Community service and profit are no longer mutually exclusive

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As fintechs capture market share in small business lending, we enable credit unions and banks to leverage their strengths and win in a digital world.

An untapped opportunity

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Small business lending supports the strategic priorities that are top of mind for the C-Suite, while better serving your local community.

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“The small business lending market is large and profitable, when addressed with the right product, risk capabilities and business model.”

Source: The Economist, What is shaping the ecosystem
of small business lending?

Small business lending needs its own process

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Powered by AI, our cloud-based platform combines the speed of consumer lending with the right amount of rigor from commercial lending to deliver a unique cash flow-based underwriting approach.

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How does your small business lending program stack up?

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Old way…

lost opportunities

• Paper-based and manual

• Relied on outdated financial statements and accounting data

• Relied on conventional lending metrics (Debt Service Coverage)

• Scorecards based on intuition

• Cumbersome approval process

• Challenging economics

• Lending like it’s 1999

New way…

instant growth
  • • Digital and automated

    • Leverages real-time banking transaction data

    • Uses real-time cash flow signals to predict ability to pay

    • Multivariate models based on science and performance data

    • Nearly instant approval process

    • Compelling economics

  • • Lending like a fintech

Explore what’s possible with JUDI

Explore what’s possible with JUDI

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“JUDI.AI provides borrowers with a tremendous first impression in terms of response time and quality of interaction. We can’t imagine a better technology partner in relation to our goals around servicing small businesses.”

What we’ve been up to…

Think big. Lend small. Grow fast. Help huge.

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